Monday, March 9, 2009

ello ello ello! i'm in a good mood :D
changed seats today!
wheeee LiYu is still near my seat~
hmm.. i like my new seat (:
i can't really rmb who sat where but well...

→↑ LiYuuuu
←↑ XinYi (sang-eh!)
↑↑ Yvette
↑ Jeshhh
← Shaun :D hehehe paisehhhh
→ HouSheng (YongChun~)
←↓ YiJie
↓ Halina

i know you don't know what i know i am talking.
Nowamen? [ya know wad i mean?]
HAHAHAHA! okay inside joke :D

i guess i'm really in a good mood now.
shall go and use my energy on PetSociety
today's a MONDAY, NEW ITEMS! wooooo

p.s. here's a plaster to all those out there, sad or heartbroken..
let me heal you! :)


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