Thursday, September 20, 2007


i love mummy! she helped me with my d&t thing

hehe my product! :D

the electric circuit! cool bah! my phone's life was at stake to take this photo sia..

looks like i happened to be walking past, i think?

and went into the picture! :D

i kinda forgot wad i was OoO-ing at

eileen me and shar
woooo! haha i look toot!

spastic eileen and me!

me and gay partner clar!

me and chiawmin mummy! wang wang!

me and hongyou who missed the vivo trip


OH LOOK who is that? YUCKS pui pui pui

the KIND IT teacher and me!

Astrid Jasmine Me Shar



took a few with the others too.. like qixiang the super tallie and justin the harry potter.. &btw these photos were taken yesterday.. although i promised not to touch comp err like two or three days ago? i just cant resist the temptation! :( haiz.. i havent started studying!! ahhh~ its okay michelle, there's always tomoro :D

LoL i feel decent suddenly.. as in, decent.. not a bad girl :D forget it, i duno how to explain oso.. but im a decent person! :D

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