Friday, September 7, 2007

Edited Lyrics :)

Do you know?
Do you know?

Do you know what it feels like loving someone that's in a rush to throw you away?
Do you know, do you know, do you know, do ya?
Do you know what it feels like to be the last one to know the lock on the door has changed?

If birds flying south is a sign of changes
At least you can predict this every year
Love, you never know the minute it ends suddenly
I can't get it to speak
Maybe if I knew all the things it took to save us
I could fix the pain that bleeds inside of me
Look in your eyes to see something about me
I'm standing on the edge and I don't know what else to give.

Do you know what it feels like loving someone that's in a rush to throw you away?
Do you know, do you know, do you know, do ya?
Do you know what it feels like to be the last one to know the lock on the door has changed?

How can I love you?How can I love you?How can I love you?How can I love you?
If you just don't talk to me, babe.

I flow through my act
There's a question: Is he needed?
And decide all the man he can ever be.
Looking at the last few months like I did
I could never see us ending like this.

(Do you know?)

Seeing your msgs no more on my records
Is a scene that's never ever happened to me.

(Do you know?)

But after this episode I don't see
You could never tell the next thing life could be

Do you know what it feels like loving someone that's in a rush to throw you away?
Do you know, do you know, do you know, do ya?
Do you know what it feels like to be the last one to know the lock on the door has changed?

hi this is kinda edited, hah. btw im so bored at home! no mood to study... how? nothing seems to go right for me recently.. haiz.. dun care lah! let me do a quiz to destress. :D

On the outside:
Name: Michelle a.k.a. Michaerl
Birthday: Exactly one month later! 7th Oct! :D
Status: Single & still trying to get used to
Eye Color + Hair Color: Black-brown i guess? but i prefer full black
Righty/Lefty: Righty!
Zodiac Sign: I kinda not know what's this. Chicken or Libra?

On the inside:
Greatest fear: Erm.. used to have one, but not anymore cuz it already happened.
Greatest weakness: This is for me to know, & for you to find out (:

Yesterday, today, tomorrow.
Your thoughts first waking up: Today's gonna be a better day :)
Your most missed memory: The times i spent with you.. but i know its not gonna happen again huh? :D

Your pick.
Pepsi/Coke: None. Rootbeer?
Macs or BK: Macs. Its cheaper i guess?
Single or group dates: Single. I hate pangsehs.
Adidas or Nike: Erm, im not that superficial. :)
Lipton tea or Nestea: Liptop tea!
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate for chocolates, Vanilla for ice-creams :D
Cappuccino or coffee: Both somehow taste the same to me. Heh.

Do you...
Smoke: Never.
Curse: Ermm used to, but that was during Pri-sch
Take a shower: Err of course?
Have a crush: Err.. still trying to forget.
Like/d school: Liked, Like and will continue to to LOVE SCHOOL! hehe :D
Want to get married: See first. Gotta plan divorce before getting married :P
Believe in yourself: Sometimes lo
Think you're a health freak: Err nope, but i hope to be one someday :)

In the past month.
Drank alcohol: Heh. yepp :) i also drank some in July.
Gone to the mall: Yepp of cors.
Been on stage: Yepp. Choir performance :)
Eaten sushi: Of cors! haha making sushis on coming Sat! wooooo~

In a guy.
Best eye color: Black. Or grey?
Best hair color: Black.
Short or long hair: Short & Long to a certain extent.

What were you doing:
1 minute ago: Breathing
1 hour ago: Breathing & thinking about some stuffs
45 hours ago: Chatting on msn & breathing
1 month ago: Breathing
1 year ago: Breathing.

Finish the sentence.
I love: you
I feel: emo
I hate: homework
I hide: THAT wallet.
I miss: the past
I need: $$$ & a wish to come true.

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